Barita Online allows 24/7 access to your account with many helpful features at your fingertips. Barita Online expands the way Barita does business online. Business is constantly evolving, and we aim to remain responsive to our customer’s needs. Customer’s may:
Initiate buying and selling securities through your online portal. Customers with a Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE)* account will be able to:
- Buy JMD & USD securities (Stocks)
- Sell JMD & USD securities (Stocks)
*Barita Online equity trade transactions cannot be completed with a Jtrader account.
Initiate building your unit trust portfolios. Through Barita Online, customers can subscribe and redeem to/from the unit trust portfolios below:
- B.U.T FX Bond Portfolio
- B.U.T FX Equity Growth Portfolio
- B.U.T J$ Income Portfolio
- B.U.T J$ Money Market Fund
- B.U.T J$ Real Estate Portfolio
- B.U.T J$ Capital Growth Fund
Build your subscription & redemption of various portfolios. Through Barita Online, customers can subscribe and redeem to/from the unit trust portfolios below: